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Showing posts from July, 2022

9 Things to do if you are suffering from stress/anxiety.

  1. Identify your triggers. Once you develop the ability to understand what situations and scenarios trigger your anxiety you can then establish a plan to deal with the triggers. Begin by targeting your top 3 triggers. Only move on once you have conquered them. 2. Increase active exercise. Exercise is a powerful enemy of anxiety. It aids in improving your mood as well as your overall health. Outline a routine that you can fit into your daily life while gradually increasing the amount you’re doing. 15 minutes can make a difference. 3. Limit alcohol and smoking. These substances often appear to provide a temporary release from your anxiety however what you will find is that it tends to increase your anxiety in the long term. Going cold turkey is hard therefore limiting your use will improve the situation. 4. Start a Journal. This one simple task will improve your entire life. Journaling allows the troubles of your mind to be emptied onto a page. This will also help you orga...