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30 Testosterone Boosting Foods

A vital component of feeling and looking well is Exercising.

Let's face it, you want to look nice so you can look like an action hero when you go to the beach or park, not so you can envision a happy, long retirement playing golf in Florida!

Therefore, it's likely that you routinely visit the gym, engage in cardio to lose some fat, and consume a diet high in protein to make sure you're getting enough of those amino acids needed to develop muscle.

In addition to all of that, you should be attempting to lead a healthy lifestyle by avoiding smoking, getting enough sleep, managing your stress levels, and moderately consuming alcohol.

The issue may be your hormones if you are doing all of that and yet aren't getting the outcomes you believe you should be getting.

Low testosterone levels may be the cause of your constant fatigue, poor sleep quality, propensity to store fat around your chest and abdomen, and lack of passion for relationships.

One of the most crucial hormones for gaining muscle, decreasing fat, and overall health is testosterone.

The testosterone our bodies produce tends to decrease as we age, and if left unchecked, it may even fully develop into andropause, which is the male version of menopause.

If we're being honest, if you had actual andropause, you would be a great candidate for anabolic steroids recommended by a doctor.

Even though HRT is successful, it doesn't address the reason why your testosterone levels are declining, can worsen the shutdown of your body's natural testosterone production, and even has the potential to affect your fertility. Actually, HRT ought to be your last option.

Modern lifestyles and, more specifically, modern meals do not support maintaining healthy T levels.

In actuality, reduced testosterone has been directly related to modern diets.

Our testosterone is being sucked out of us faster than an episode of America's Got Talent thanks to processed foods, food-like items that have little relation to anything that grows in nature, poor soil quality, and the usage of hormones in raising cattle and making dairy products.

Your great-grandfather most likely had greater T levels when he was younger simply because he ate more pure, natural food.

Declining T levels are thus unquestionably an issue, but fortunately there is also a fix: consume a diet that supports rather than lowers testosterone levels.

Some meals have long been thought to have aphrodisiac effects, or to put it another way: they boost your desire for romantic relationships.

Increased testosterone levels are the cause of this rise in sex desire. Meals like oysters have been associated with increased drive for a very long time, and there are many more foods you may eat that will have a similar effect.

Basically, meals that are associated to raising testosterone levels have high quantities of critical vitamins, zinc, and good fats, as well as foods that inhibit oestrogen, which is a female hormone that is somewhat antagonistic to testosterone.

By include a lot of these foods in your diet, you'll give your body everything it needs to get to work and produce more testosterone.

What foods, then, are associated with raising testosterone levels?

I'm happy you inquired! The following 30 foods have been associated to raising testosterone levels.

You should start noticing the difference after a few weeks if you try to include at least a few of them in your regular diet, but only if you follow those annoying rules described in paragraph two.


1. Oysters
2. Salmon
3. Pumpkin Seeds
4. Squash seeds
5. Dark Chocolate
6. Garlic
7. Sesame Seeds
8. Watermelon Seeds
9. Wheat germ
10. Chickpeas
11. Shrimp/prawns
12. Crab
13. Organic Beef
14. Beef Liver
15. Lima beans
16. Egg yolks
17. Mushrooms
18. Turkey
19. Almonds
20. Lobster
21. Spinach
22. Lamb
23. Kidney beans
24. Peanuts
25. Tahini
26. Flax seeds
27. Pork
28. Brewer’s yeast
29. Brown rice
30. Avocado

Even though some of these foods for increasing testosterone are a little odd and may not be found in your neighbourhood store, if they worked for your great-grandfather, they will work just as well for you.

Remember, eating like a man will make you feel like a man, so stop eating Lucky Charms and Pop Tarts and start filling up on "real" foods.


  1. It is very hard for some people to gain weight.


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