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5 Simple Somatic Stretches for Beginners



Here are five beginner-friendly somatic stretching exercises to attempt if you're inquisitive. In order to develop awareness of how your muscles feel and maybe benefit from the cumulative effects of releasing tension, We advice performing each exercise for around five minutes and repeating it everyday.

1. Standing Awareness


Yoga Expert Simmy advises beginning in a standing position and bringing awareness to various muscles in your body before performing any other somatic stretches. She advises you to observe how your feet are firmly planted on the ground when standing up straight. Make an effort to tense and relax those muscles. Take a few deep breaths and bring awareness to how your abdominal muscles expand and contract. Finally, take a full body scan, paying particular attention to any tension-filled areas and how each muscle in your body feels.


2. Hang Your Head


According to Kreator, stand up straight with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Hang your head down as far as it will comfortably go while doing so slowly. Consider how your neck's muscles are feeling as you go. Consider how your shoulders and upper back, as well as other neighbouring muscles, joints, and tissues, have been impacted by that neck movement. Choose a tension-prone location on your body, such as the back of your neck, and pay close attention to how it makes you feel. As you relax into the stretch, take note of how it feels. Make an effort to let some of the tension out.


3. The Arch and Flatten


The arch and flatten, which enables you to release and then restore control of the muscles in your lower back and abdominal, is advised by Simmy if you feel back pain. It is a slow motion exercise performed on the ground. Place your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground hip distance apart. Observe how your lower back and abdominal muscles move as you take a deep breath. Gently arch your back while lifting your belly, engaging your glutes, and planting your feet firmly on the ground. Stay here as long as it's convenient. Next, slowly sag to the floor with your back flat against it. Repeat the motion extremely slowly while checking your torso's muscles for any tension and attempting to release it. 


4. Iliopsoas Exercise


The muscle group that connects your spine to your legs is called the iliopsoas, and many of us carry a lot of tension in it. According to Simmy, this development makes these muscles and the muscles around them more conscious, which makes it easier to let go of tension. Knees bent and feet flat on the floor, lie on your back. Put your right hand on the back of your head. Lift your right leg about six inches off the ground while lifting your head gently and maintaining it bent. (This should resemble a side crunch done with only one side of your body.) Check for stiffness and pay attention to how your legs, hips, and lower back muscles feel. Lower your head and leg slowly. The only difference is that this time, as you lift, slightly straighten your leg. Repeat these movements numerous times slowly and gently, then repeat on the opposite side.

5. Carpal Tunnel Exercise

This exercise may help relieve stress that may be collecting in your waist, shoulder, chest, hands, and wrists if you spend a significant portion of the day typing on a computer or other device, according to Simmy. Lay on your left side with your head resting on your left arm and your legs bent at a 90 degree angle in front of you (it can be bent or straight). With your elbow bent to about a 90-degree angle, rest your upper arm on the ground with your right hand. Move your right arm up and around your head so that your elbow is straight up and your hand is close to your left ear. With your hand, gently raise your head toward the ceiling till your right side of the waist tightens. This is comparable to a side crunch. Observe how the muscles are tensing. Release when you're ready, and then lower your head as gradually as you can. Do this once more. Roll softly onto your back with your right arm behind your head, your right elbow facing the ceiling. Stretch out your left arm to the side. Crunch your right shoulder, right arm, and right head upward and to the left. As slowly as you can, let go and lower your head and shoulder. Replicate everything on the other side.






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