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7 Risky Exercises and Better Alternatives


Workout Not Working?

Who has time to engage in dangerous, ineffective exercise? Not you, Get rid of these seven moves since they won't help you achieve your goals and could potentially hurt you.

#1 Lat Pull-down Behind the Head

The issue: In order to perform this exercise correctly, one must have extremely flexible shoulder joints. Additionally, cervical vertebrae could be injured if the bar strikes the back of the neck.

Better option - Simple Lat Pulldown

Lean back a little bit as you pull the bar down to your breastbone on the pull-down machine with a wider-than-shoulder hold while bringing your shoulder blades down and together. Avoid using momentum to swing the bar up and down; instead, contract your abdominals to stabilise the body. The lat pull-down exercises the muscles of the upper and lower back.

#2 Military Press Behind the Head

The same issues as the lat pull-down behind the head can arise from this shoulder exercise in which you lift a barbell up and down.

Safer option - Traditional military press

Keep the bar in front of your head when performing the military press for a safer shoulder alternative. Keep your upper body erect and your weight no lower than your collarbone as you stand. Additionally, seated exercise is an option. Always maintain a straight posture while sitting against a back support, pressing your glutes and upper back firmly into the chair.

#3 Upright Row

The issue: Pulling up under your chin with weights, a barbell, or a weighted cabled bar can compress the nerves in the shoulder region.

Better & Safer alternative:

Work your shoulders with a front or lateral shoulder raise, raising weights out to the front or side of the body, as opposed to performing an upright row. Keep your arms bent just a little bit.

#4 Leg Press with Cramped Knees

This popular workout targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes by having you push the plate up and then lower it from a supine position. The more joints that are exercised through their full range of motion, the better, which is wonderful. However, stop the motion immediately if you experience any pain while doing so.

Safer Leg Press Variation:  

Keep your butt from rotating off the back of the machine if you want to perform a lying leg press. Try to extend as far as you can from the knees, but if you feel any pain, stop. The joints are worked more when there is more motion.

#5 Squats on the Smith Machine 

The issue is that the machine's bar is rigid, which might drive the body into dangerous positions. It gets worse since when performing squats on a machine, people frequently place their feet more in front of their body.

Safer Alternative: Squats

Although it is not necessary to use weights when performing a squat, doing so will make the exercise more difficult if you maintain proper form. While keeping your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart, steadily lower your torso. As though you were going to sit in a chair, move your hips back. Maintaining your weight directly over your heels is a good idea. Return to upright position gradually.

#6 Bad Form on Cardio Machines

The issue is that cheating your body by hunching over or gripping the railing with a death hold will throw your alignment off, hurting your spine, shoulders, and elbows.

Better Technique On Cardio machines

Avoid adjusting the inclination or resistance so high that you have to grip the machine tightly. Use a gentle grip and a natural gait. Hold on loosely with one hand while moving the other arm, occasionally swapping arms for a more difficult workout. Strengthening your core when walking on a treadmill without holding on is another benefit. In order to concentrate on proper form, postpone the reading until after your workout.

#7 Exercises for Spot Reduction

The improper approach is used by people who perform strengthening and toning activities in an effort to lose fat from a specific location, such as their thighs, hips, stomach, or arms. Despite the fact that these exercises can assist firm muscles, the targeted area won't look much different if it still has a layer of extra fat there. One area of the body cannot be singled out for fat removal.

Best Ways to Reshape your Body:

Resistance training is crucial if you want to burn fat in addition to cardiovascular activity, which will burn calories. By increasing your muscle mass, you may burn more calories all the time, even when you're not exercising.

Can Bad Shoes Trip Up Your Workout?

Even if you follow all other instructions exactly, wearing the wrong shoes can still work against you. If you exercise in the improper shoes, your joints will take a greater beating, which could result in tendinitis or plantar fasciitis.

Shoe Solution

The secret, according to experts, is to pick a shoe that is appropriate for your activities and your unique foot. They advise buying athletic shoes from shops where you can get help from a skilled salesman. And don't forget to buy new shoes when your old ones start to look worn.


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