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5 Best Strength Training Exercises For Beginners

Strength training can be intimidating for beginners, but the benefits are unmatched.

More muscle, higher calorie burn, stronger bones and joints, better endurance, and reduced risk of injury with more training.

When you plan this workout routine, remember to combine strength training with cardio. If you're ready to start your strength-building journey, try these tips and strength-training exercises for beginners.

Start with body weight to learn basic form & range of motion

If you're new to strength training, bodyweight exercises are a great place to start.
Mastering basic exercise form before adding additional loads like dumbbells should always be a top priority because it reduces the risk of injury.

There are five basic movements.
Squats, hinges, pushes, pulls, core work. There are many variations of each of those movements, but for beginners, I tend to gravitate toward a bodyweight squat, glute bridges, push-ups (on an incline if needed), inverted rows, and planks.”

There are five primary maneuvers, in addition to movements, such as throwing, crawling, and climbing:

Hip-dominant (deadlifts, hinges, and swings)
Knee-dominant (squats and lunges)
Pushing movements (pushups, dips, and presses)
Pulling movements (rows and pull-ups)
Gait patterns, such as walking and running

“Body weight allows you to focus on form first, so you can set yourself up with a solid, safe foundation and address any muscle imbalances,” says a top trainer at Drive Train Hustle. “A lot of clients want to jump right into advanced tactics, but it's better to start small and build off that momentum than to be out of the gym for a few weeks with a nagging injury.”

 “We all have imbalances and weakness that prevent us from moving optimally,” Siegel says. Resistance bands will help with that as well.

 “It is important to address these before adding a significant external load to your workouts or else you'll just be layering strength on top of dysfunction. Identify which muscles are overactive/underactive by working with a trained professional who can walk you through a few basic assessments and initiate ways to correct those problems It is useful for

 Building a specific type of strength can also help enrich regular physical activity. Work backwards from the desired exercise pattern you are attempting.

 "If you're an avid hiker, exercises like step-ups and weighted lunges are a great way to develop strength in single-leg steps."

Then, prioritize five key strength training exercises for beginners.

Once you've built strength using the power of your own body weight, move on to the next five strength-training exercises for beginners. These five beginner strength training exercises work your entire body and leave room for modifications and intensity levels.


Squats are the best strength training for beginners.

 "Squats work not just your legs, but your core and upper body," says personal his trainer Henry Bullock.

 "Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips and your feet facing forward. Extend your arms in front of you and look straight ahead. Keeping your chest up, your shoulders back, and your abs engaged, lower your buttocks as low as possible. Make sure your knees don't go past your toes. Your weight should be on your heels, not your toes. Without rounding your back while standing, return to the starting position and repeat 15 to 20 times.

To amplify things, add dumbbells on either side or in the center of your heart to increase resistance. You can also test your form and stability with a stability ball, try sumo squats, or incorporate lunges.

Push ups:

Luckily, there are a million push-up variations to satisfy every beginner at their comfort level.

 Henry says you should start in a plank position with your arms straight and then lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Keeping your body in a straight line, bring your elbows to your sides, then push your body back. Aim for as many repetitions as possible.


Some of us like to hate them, but whether you're doing them with your hands, sides, or forearms, they accelerate strength throughout your body. Place your body in a push-up position with your arms shoulder-width apart.

Press your belly against your spine to activate your core and keep it from falling or floating in the air. Stack your shoulders over your wrists and your heels over your ankles. Hold for 30 seconds and work your way up to a few minutes.

The move is a favorite of trainer Natalie Carey, who says, "If he can't hold the plank for a minute, the body has a hard time doing all the other exercises properly. Mastering this move will give you a strong, stable core that will keep you injury-free and ready for more difficult lifts. "


Whether you're on one leg or standing, deadlifts help keep your ankles, knees, hips, and hips comfortable, Carey says. It can also help build strength for heavier lower body lifts on the road.


"Most people work sitting at a desk, and slouching at a computer weakens the muscles in your back," he says Carey. “Some types of rows — cable rows, body weights, slouches — improve posture and, in the long run, release tension in your upper back and shoulders.”

Want to see results? Try to hit every major muscle group at least once a week.

General guidelines suggest that adults should do moderate-to-intensity strength training twice a week to improve their health," says Henry. “But when it comes to a good training program, something is better than nothing.

 As a trainer, I've seen people, online and in person, get stuck in the toxic "if I can't do it perfectly, I can't do it at all" mentality. Gaining strength can take time, but you can still train one day a week. "

Henry recommends setting small goals to focus on your consistent progress and checking in on herself every few weeks. When you can do more reps or lift more weight, you’ll find yourself stronger and ready to change.

Henry also likes to remind people to find the "why" in light of all the other factors related to fitness. "Ask yourself:
What do you want to do in 3 months?
Is this realistic?
How much time do you invest in strength training?
What obstacles do you see along the way?
What structures and supports help you stay on track?
How do you react when you're not making the progress you want?
Answer these questions first before you set specific movement or weight goals," he says.

 "Strength is important, but it's only one factor. Don't forget about aerobic endurance, flexibility with plenty of stretching, strength, speed, coordination, agility and balance. ” Protein and supplements are also important.


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