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The Best Way to Lose Fat Quickly

Fat loss sounds pretty simple, eat good and burn calories, that's it right? Then why do so many people struggle to lose fat? That's because it sounds simple to lose weight but still most of us do not stick to the process and it feels so difficult for us to keep following same disciplined routine for longer period of time.

The steps to lose weight and lose fat are very similar but still there are many differences. For some people, when they say they want to lose some kilograms, they mean to get rid of the stubborn fat they carry. These type of people just want to get in shape and lose the extra fat around their belly, they don't care much about bodybuilding. In this process, chances are they end up getting more weight but their goal was to lose weight. Then what's the actual process of losing weight?


Follow these steps to reach your goal of weight loss:



The abstract aim of "reducing weight" is fantastic, but when you have to decide between going to the gym on a wet day or stopping at that fast food joint on your way home from work, you need more than abstractions to guide you. It is therefore quite advantageous to be aware of the advantages of losing excess weight and to keep these advantages in mind as you go.

Reducing body fat has numerous advantages, including a lower risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and even some types of cancer. You may also be able to enhance your hormone balance, sleep patterns, and even self-confidence. You may also put less strain on your joints.


You must begin studying the how after you have determined the why.

The king of all macro-nutrients is the calorie, yet many individuals have no idea how to assess their intake and adjust it based on their objectives. Although it's not an exact science, you may use formulae and calculators to come close, and you can then make changes from there. Everyone can do it within a short period of time because it is not difficult. 

Always Track your calorie intake

You must have a method for keeping track of your consumption before you can start counting calories. You could read every food label and tally your calories by carrying a pen and paper around with you. However, this is not 1999. Technology is available now.

Utilizing an app like MyFitnessPal is the ideal approach to keep track of calories. This almost eliminates the need to keep track of calorie intake, and the extensive food database contains practically all possible meals. According to studies, simply keeping track of your food intake makes you inadvertently consume fewer calories. Once you get the hang of it, apps like this one are really simple to use. The result is worthwhile and keeping track of your consumption just takes a few minutes a day.

It's Important To Find Your Maintenance Calories

You must first determine how many calories you require everyday in order to establish a calorie deficit or surplus. The quantity of calories you would need to consume daily to maintain your current weight is referred to as your caloric maintenance.

Using a calorie counter, like the one provided by the "Mayo Clinic", is the quickest and most accurate method to accomplish this. This calculator considers your age, height, current weight, and degree of exercise in addition to those two factors.

You will need to establish a calorie deficit based on that estimated daily calorie amount in order to lose stubborn fat.

Keep Your Diet In Caloric Deficit

Your shortfall will mostly rely on how much extra body fat you have and how much weight you want to shed. Your deficit might increase depending on how much fat you need to reduce. Do not forget that adopting a sustainable lifestyle is the greatest approach to achieve your goals and keep the extra weight off. Anything too severe will not be beneficial to your health or to you. The majority of fitness and health apps come with a calculator that you may use to figure out your ideal healthy calorie deficit.

A modest or moderate deficit will likely be most effective for the majority of people, unless you have a lot of body fat to shed. These will enable a fast enough rate of fat reduction while preserving lean muscle mass and exercise capacity. Deficits of this nature are also simpler to sustain.


This is sometimes the most challenging step, but if you know how calories operate, you'll realize that eating ice cream and losing weight are not always compatible. You can integrate some of your favorite dessert foods into your diet in moderation if you practice good portion control and make informed decisions (high-protein ice cream, for example), but it's usually best to start from scratch.

"Eat less of the highly processed and artificially flavored meals. Foods heavy in sugar, processed carbohydrates, saturated fats, artificial tastes, and preservatives should be avoided or consumed in moderation." For the sake of clarification, "kept to a minimum" refers to less than 10% of your weekly calories coming from those sweet, delectable, but unhealthy food sources. If you're able to achieve that, you may continue include them in your diet, but if the need to binge emerges, you might need to completely exclude them from your diet until you've gained more control over your eating.


You may either consume less food or increase your calorie expenditure to manage your calorie intake and encourage weight reduction. We're advocating a balanced strategy here: reduce your calorie intake somewhat while maintaining a consistent aerobic workout regimen.

It shouldn't be something you detest doing, and you should absolutely not refuse to do it. Instead of forcing yourself to do something you detest, We advise pursuing your passions: "The greatest cardio workouts are the ones that you like performing, and can do regularly at a difficult level."

"Running, using an elliptical machine, cycling, dancing, using stairs, or jumping rope are all excellent possibilities. Body-weight cardio exercises like HIIT or boxing are also options! You can try a tonne of body-weight cardio exercises on our blog for FREE!"


Muscle, which is often used unintentionally, is one of the major tricks fit people utilise to stay in terrific form. Because they consume a lot of energy, muscles are very expensive in calories. Your body will interpret a reduction in calories as a handy justification to lose your muscles, which is the exact opposite of what you want. You need to work out in the gym and do some resistance and strength training to offset this effect.

Not to be overlooked is the fact that heavy, compound exercises that use a lot of huge muscle groups are also excellent calorie burners. According to me, "generally speaking, the bigger the muscle area you're working, the more calories it may burn."

The workouts that may burn the most calories are those that target the legs, such as squats, lunges, and dead-lifts, or the chest and back, such as pushups and rows. Additionally, combining activities that concurrently train your upper and lower bodies can be a terrific way to burn fat and calories!




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