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3 Favourite Exercises Of Dorian Yates To Build A Wide Back

You may have used a variety of specialist back programmes and trained your back vigorously for a few years, but you are still far from having the back development you've always wanted.

In this article, we'll show you three exercises that Dorian Yates himself suggests you do to significantly widen your back.

Dorian really suggests a three-part regimen in his recommendation.

On a Hammer Strength machine, the first exercise is close-grip reverse pulldowns, which are designed to work the lats and upper back.

Overhand grip, bent-over barbell rows are used in the second exercise to add mass.

The third exercise involves performing seated cable rows, which is meant to give the teres major and rhomboid muscles more thickness.


As stated, the first exercise consists of pulldowns performed on the Hammer Strength machine, but you are free to substitute pulldowns performed on a conventional pulldown machine.

The variation performed on the Hammer Strength machine more closely mimics the way the back muscles move in their normal state.

You just draw the load down in a vertical line when using a typical pulldown machine.

A close grasp on the handle allows for a better lat stretch, and a reverse grip relieves pressure from the biceps so that your lats are better stimulated.

Perform a few warm-up sets before beginning the working sets.

Then, get into the starting position by grasping the bar or handles with a close, reverse grip, bending your elbows just a little to emphasise your lats more than your biceps, and beginning to pull down.

When pulling, concentrate on your lats. To ensure a smooth movement, pause to ensure a complete contraction at the bottom position before beginning to release the load upward in a steady, controlled way.

Never overarch your back or lean too far backwards because doing so will restrict your range of motion.

Choose a weight at which you will experience muscle failure after eight repetitions, and if you have a spotter behind you, attempt to complete two or three additional forced reps.


Bent-over barbell rows have earned praise for being important muscle-building exercises, and deservedly so.

The various parts of the back are connected by Dorian's method of execution.

He does them with an overhand grip, his hands shoulder-width apart on the bar, and his torso at a roughly 70-degree angle to the ground.

The bulk of bodybuilders perform them by pulling the barbell into their chest while keeping their torsos parallel to the ground.

However, 70 degrees is the optimal angle to position yourself in if you want to strike the lats directly and raise as much weight as you can.

Simply raise the barbell to your waist by pulling it up from the floor.


Finish the workout with a few warm-up sets and three work sets of seated cable rows (using a long bar) for 8–10 repetitions each.

To give the rhomboids and the teres major more thickness, use an overhand grip at shoulder width.

To get a better lat stretch while beginning the activity, bend slightly forward.

Bring the bar to your upper abs or lower chest while extending your elbows.

To better stimulate your upper back and reach peak contraction, move your elbows as far back as you can.

Give yourself a week or more of relaxation after completing this exercise so that your back can heal.

As an alternative to Hammer Strength pulldowns, you can use deadlifts or pullovers to keep your workouts fresh and keep you motivated to build the back you've always desired.


Machine for Hammer Strength Pulldowns: 3 sets of 8 repetitions.
Overextended barbell rows (body at 70 degree angle to the ground) 3 sets of 8 repetitions.
3 sets of 8 repetitions of seated cable rows


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