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6 Best Exercises To Grow Your Biceps

 These six best biceps exercises are necessary if you want big arms.

The best isolation exercises for growing your arms and developing your guns are these exercise.

Compound workouts are fantastic for building strength and all-around muscle, but isolation work is what you need to practise if you actually want huge arms. These are biceps-specific isolation workouts that target just that muscle group.

Here are the top six barbell, dumbbell, and cable bicep exercises.


Every gym has EZ Curl Bars, and for good reason—when you use the bar, your wrists are in a comfortable posture.

Make sure your thumbs are higher and farther forward than your pinkies as you grasp the bar. The elbows and wrists will feel less pain in this position.

You may uniformly strike both bicep heads by using a grip at shoulder width. You can exert more force on the outer head (long head) by using an inside/narrow grip. The inner head (short head) will work more when using an outside/wide grip, to sum up. These three grips should be used in combination to fully build your biceps. To constantly keep your wrists in a comfortable posture, make sure to rotate the bar as you move your hands into the various positions.
Setting your shoulders and keeping your elbows firmly at your sides are essential for performing these curls. Rather than thrusting the elbows forward/up to complete the movement, make the weight rotate around the elbow. As a result, the workout will remain tense.

Avoid making the rookie error of trying to raise the bar as high as you can. The exercise will be less beneficial if your elbow is placed directly under your hands at the conclusion.


EZ bar preacher curls will be a huge aid to you if you're having trouble keeping your shoulders still and your elbows in their proper positions during the aforementioned exercise.

Put the preacher pad (or a GHD pad) over your arms and press it firmly into your armpits. Your elbows will be forced to remain in place as a result, and the bar will pivot around this spot. I enjoy extending my legs far behind my torso.

Don't raise the bar all the way for these curls. This will release tension and disengage the bicep. To gain the most stretch, the widest range of motion, and the most growth, concentrate on letting the bar go as low as you can.
Due to the fact that this workout does not permit swinging or cheating, you will need to reduce the weights. This is advantageous since it ensures that your biceps perform all of the work.


To develop your arms, you must perform these curls. The brachialis is a lesser-known muscle that lies next to your biceps. It runs underneath the biceps and greatly influences how high they may rise (peak).

To work that muscle, you must twist your dumbbell curls.

Start by holding the dumbbells in a neutral grip with your shoulders set and at your sides (thumbs forward). Turn the dumbbells out as you curl (keeping your elbows still) so that the backs of your hands are facing front when you reach the top or finish. As you lower them, turn them around.
My favourite bicep exercise is rotating dumbbell curls, and chances are, it will be yours as well.

You can alternate between the left and right arms or do both at once.


You should be aware that the Zottman curl is the best exercise on this list for exercising the brachialis, which I noted above.

Start off slowly and carefully when using them. Maintain tight control throughout the action, and at the conclusion of each repeat, reset your hands.

The first time you perform Zottman curls, your brachialis will feel like it has never before. You'll be able to lengthen your arms by a few inches thanks to this, which is a wonderful thing.


This activity is difficult since it practically forbids cheating. There is no way to swing the dumbbells up when you're seated and leaning back.

This role has two implications.

The first implication is that you should use lighter weights for your dumbbell curls than usual.

Your biceps will hurt more than they ever have, which is the second thing.

Your arms will scream during seated dumbbell incline curls, but you'll still try to cheat to complete the reps.

Lower the weight, take a break, and keep going when you are unable to complete any more reps.


The best-looking biceps exercise is this one. If you only have one cable at your disposal, you can perform these one-handedly, but if you want to feel like Superman, you'll need two cords.

Set the two wire columns to shoulder height while standing between them. Curl your hands toward your head as if displaying your biceps by bringing your elbows to shoulder height (you are).

For extra points, try removing your sleeves in front of a mirror.

Try to bring your fists toward your ears or behind your head while keeping your arms parallel to the ground. You can focus just on developing your biceps in this position.

If You Want Big Arms, You Need More Than Bulging Biceps
If you want to have big arms, you can not ignore your triceps since they are 70% of your arms. So do not ignore your triceps. On top of that, train your delts because they'll give your body a v taper look, which will make your arms look bigger.

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