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Self Pleasure : Good or Bad For You?

 It goes without saying that masturba*ion may be both a fun way to pass the time and an effective tool for s*x education. However, because masturba*ion is still so frequently avoided as a topic, it's simple to become perplexed about how much masturba*ion is acceptable. masturba*ion: Is it healthy?

The answer to whether masturba*ion is healthy is extremely individualised, just like the answers to many other concerns about s*xual behaviour and mental health. What is beneficial to one person could not be to another. However, studies have shown that spending some time alone with your body has definite health benefits.

Why then do so many people still find it difficult to discuss masturba*ion without blushing? It frequently happens because, whether one is aware of it or not, so many of one's feelings about masturba*ion are connected to cultural, historical, and religious factors.

Is Masturba*ion Healthy?

There are many instances of terminology like "sin," "disease," and even "self-abuse" in the history of Masturba*ion. So it makes sense why some people find it difficult to indulge in self-pity without feeling guilty.

Masturba*ion was regarded in the 18th century as an illness that could result in insanity and other severe medical disorders. By the early 1800s, health reformer Sylvester Graham had brought this notion to public attention (you may know him best thanks to his invention of a certain cracker).

Graham, a Presbyterian clergyman, preached that every experience of pleasure was actually a satanic seduction, and that any immoral behaviour must also be unhealthy. Masturba*ion was obviously prohibited by Graham's beliefs.

Even now, when s*xual health specialists have backed off from criticising Masturba*ion, many people still view it as forbidden. Masturba*ion has not been the subject of extensive research, thus the argument over its benefits and drawbacks continues.

The Health Benefits of Masturba*ion

So, is it okay to masturbate? Or may it be detrimental to one's bodily and emotional well-being? Does it affect your general level of s*xual arousal?
Despite how some individuals may feel about it, research have proven that masturbating can actually be good for both men and women's physical and mental health. How can masturbating promote health?

1. Masturba*ion releases mood-boosting hormones

Dopamine, endorphins, and the hormones that promote love and bonding—oxytocin—are all released by the body during an orgasm, according to studies. Masturba*ion increases the production of these feel-good chemicals, which can help reduce cortisol, a key stress hormone that can cause inflammation, sleeplessness, and difficulty losing weight.

Additionally, higher oxytocin levels might boost our mood, lessen cravings, and make us happy.

2. Masturba*ion Boosts Self-confidence

In particular, female Masturba*ion can enhance one's perception of one's body and boost confidence. According to studies, Masturba*ion can increase one's sense of autonomy and bodily integrity, which can enhance one's sense of self.

On the other side, shame over Masturba*ion might prevent a woman from feeling comfortable in her own skin and can even result in unfavourable attitudes toward contraceptives.

3. Masturba*ion improves S*xual Satisfaction

Masturba*ion is an effective approach to discover your preferences, increase s*xual tension, and learn more about your body. Masturba*ion can really enhance other s*xual encounters by assisting people in understanding how their bodies respond to various activities.

In s*x therapy, Masturba*ion is becoming increasingly frequently prescribed as a treatment. It has even been used to cure a variety of s*xual dysfunctions, including men's early ejaculation.

4. Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

According to research from Harvard Medical School, males who have more ejaculations throughout s*xual activity and Masturba*ion may have a lower risk of developing certain diseases, such as prostate cancer.

Men who ejaculated 21 or more times each month exhibited a 31% decreased incidence of prostate cancer than men who reported 4-7 ejaculations per month over the course of their careers. One more justification for including Masturba*ion in your s*x life.

Negative Effects of Masturba*ion

Wondering if there are any negative effects of Masturba*ion? well, have a look at these points below.

1. Masturba*ion Can Become Addiction

If you've tried to stop, slow down, or reduce your procedure for a set amount of time but were unable to do so, this is one of the most striking signs that Masturba*ion may be compulsive masturbating. It could become challenging to succeed in other aspects of your life if you engage in excessive masturbating.

Because most of your waking (and sometimes even sleeping) time is spent organising yourself around Masturba*ion, you might start forgetting to finish tasks, making less time to socialise with friends, family, or their partner, or starting to neglect other areas of life.

2. Masturba*ion Stops Giving You Pleasure

What formerly felt fulfilling in daily life when masturbating becomes compulsive now hardly wets your whistle. This may occur in terms of Masturba*ion frequency or intensity. What once easily roused you may no longer elicit desire, leading you to seek out stronger or taboo imaginations or visual cues. In easy words. if you reach at this stage, it's very bad for your s*x life.

3. Your Mood Changes If You Can't Masturbate

Do you still remember how increasing those amazing mood-enhancing chemicals through Masturba*ion? It may be challenging to experience those feelings without engaging in compulsive masturbating.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep if you don't masturbate or if you're agitated, nervous, or depressed, this may be a sign that you're going through withdrawal symptoms or that you've been utilising excessive Masturba*ion to deal with underlying stress at the expense of other coping mechanisms.

4. Masturba*ion Will Start Affecting Your S*x Life

When you engage in compulsive Masturba*ion, your real-life partners may have less arousal or s*xual pleasure, or more s*xual anxiety. You can even discover that you are unable to orgasm with others. Too much masturbating might affect your spouse as well, making them feel rejected, betrayed, or cheated on.

You can decide that the conflict in your relationship is a result of excessive masturbating if your connection with Masturba*ion is creating it.

5. You're Start Skipping Important Responsibilities For Masturba*ion

Excessive masturbating may have significant legal, economical, and personal repercussions. When Masturba*ion takes over your life, you could occasionally find yourself erasing boundaries even when it contradicts your personal moral code.

For instance, violating corporate policies and using company-issued computers or tablets to access pornography might result in firing. You can find yourself blowing your savings on extortion, fantasy games, or pornographic websites that need payments.

It's possible that you'll even start to put off your parental responsibilities. This can happen if you spend too much time masturbating and are unable to find the time to interact with your kids.

So, is masturba*ion healthy?

Take a big breath if, after reading this article, you feel that obsessive Masturba*ion might be an issue for your general s*xual health. You are not alone, you are not a bad person, and help is available.

Some people want to put themselves to the test by going 30, 60, or 90 days without masturbating to see whether they still feel free to make their own s*xual decisions. Organize your thoughts and emotions throughout this period, and if you feel inclined, consider writing down your urges so you can begin to spot trends.

Make a list of alternate pastimes and engage in other activities to lessen your propensity to use excessive Masturba*ion as a sole coping mechanism and to discover new ways to meet your requirements.

Last but not least, seek support through couples counselling, s*x therapy, or other channels. It can be incredibly isolated to live with s*xuality-related dread, guilt, or shame, which increases the likelihood that excessive Masturba*ion will persist or develop worse.

Reaching out to a member of your religious community, a trusted friend, family member, or spouse, a s*x therapist, or even a support group like s*x Addicts Anonymous, which holds both online and live sessions, are additional ways to get support.

It's important to keep in mind that only you can determine whether Masturba*ion is healthy for you. It's crucial to assess your Masturba*ion practises with open eyes and an open mind and to not feel guilty or ashamed about enjoying yourself.


  1. That was a great read. It will certainly be helpful for all those who are a bit confused abotu masturbation, and if its good for them or not. I would also recommend them to read the two blogs below as they also cover details about various aspects of masturbation.

    Masturbation - Myths, Benefits, Side Effects, and More

    Benefits and Side Effects of Female Masturbation


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