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How To Get Huge Arms With Push Ups

 When push-ups are discussed, the first thing that springs to mind is likely chest training. Push-ups are an excellent bodyweight exercise that stimulates both the upper and core muscles.

Push ups are primarily a chest exercise, but with a little adjustment, they can also be a great arm and shoulder workout.

Can push-ups help you Get Big Arms?

 The answer is: Yes, you can. Push-ups can help you create larger arms at home. However, you must perform push-ups many times each week, apply the proper forms of the exercise, and work to failure at least once a week.

usual pushups work your arms to a lesser extent, but pushup variations like the biceps pushup or the diamond pushup work your biceps and triceps harder than the usual form.

Push Ups for Triceps

 Although they stimulate your triceps to some extent in their usual variant, the diamond push up is a unique variation that focuses on your triceps and front deltoids. Building a large triceps is vital for having big arms since it accounts for two-thirds of the total upper arm bulk. 

Diamond Push Ups


 1. Spread your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor. Drop to your knees or use your toes to support yourself. Bring your right hand 3-5 inches closer to your left hand. To do inside pushups, bring your left hand 3-5 inches towards your right hand.

Now, your hands should be about 2 inches apart. Diamond pushups will work your triceps harder.

2. Straighten your spine and tuck your hips. Your body should be parallel to the floor, and your arms perpendicular to your shoulders. Squeeze your abs to help keep your torso stable.
3. Rotate your elbows so they point towards your feet. Bend your arms and drop yourself to the floor. Keep your elbows facing backward so that they brush your sides as you descend.

4. Straighten your arms and elevate your body again. Perform 20 to 40 push-ups, then a minute of rest before repeating the exercise.

Push ups with Biceps Emphasis

 The fact is that the biceps only play a little role (in comparison to the triceps) in push ups, acting as a stabiliser muscle throughout the exercise. After all, the biceps is a pull muscle. We may boost the biceps' participation by doing a "biceps variation" of the exercise. 

Biceps Push ups


 1. Get into a standard push-up position. Your legs should be straight, and you should balance on your toes.

2. Extend your hand fingers at an angle of roughly 45 degrees.

3. Lower yourself while gripping your biceps, then rise back up. Exhale on the way up.

To create larger arms, repeat these two workouts 2 to 3 times each week.


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