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How Many Times Should You Workout In A Week?

  Do more workouts per week automatically improve results? Some people can go to the gym 5-6 days a week, others only 2-3. Is it possible to get the same benefit?  If you're anything like me, going to the gym and working out and lifting weights four times a week might be fine, but even I know that here and there he misses a day. I have to admit. The busier you are with family and work, the less time you have to devote to strength training.  In this article, we'll walk you through the research to answer the age-old question, "How many times a week should I lift weights?" What Does The Research Say? Studies show that how often you lift weights in a week may or may not make a difference.  For an older person, there is no significant difference in strength if he trains once or twice a week1.  Looking at a study of a child who trains 1-2 times a week, her 2 times a week training child's strength increases significantly. What Does The Research Mean? Research points to a

5 Natural Ways To Increase HGH Levels

The anterior pituitary gland in the brain secretes HGH, or human growth hormone, which is essential to your body's healthy operation. As your body's foreman, HGH directs the growth of your skeletal muscle and bone while accelerating the process of converting extra fat into energy. In other words, it's the source of youth, vigour, energy, and all the positive effects on our health that we identify with youth.  HGH helps youngsters grow and is crucial for the metabolism of adults. Throughout our lifetimes, the hormone is secreted by the body in progressively smaller amounts. The body's IGF-1 levels can be used to gauge the amount of hormone present (Insulin Growth Factor). Being the cell creator, growth hormone has a greater impact than any other hormone on all of the body's cells. There are a few things you can do to stimulate the pituitary gland to create more growth hormone naturally, despite the fact that the quantity of growth hormone your body produces is geneti

Is there any side effect of taking creatine?

Since the first creatine supplement, Phosphagen, was released by the supplement business EAS in the early 1990s, it has become one of the most well-known sports supplements. What follows is history. The main function of creatine is to produce and produce ATP, our body's natural source of energy. Fast-twitch muscle fibres, which are used for activities like weightlifting, sprinting, and functional training that call for brief bursts of energy, have demonstrated in studies that creatine supplementation can increase performance measurements. Nevertheless, despite the fact that creatine monohydrate is supported by clinical research as an ergogenic aid, there are a few drawbacks that everyone should be aware of before determining if it's appropriate for them. Before you click the "buy it now" button, let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of taking creatine monohydrate. What Is Creatine? The human body naturally contains the chemical creatine. The

Best Chest Workout For Muscle Growth

  If you think that pressing a barbell repeatedly on repeat will give you pecs that rival Hercules, you're going to be lying on that bench for a very long time. While pushing movements aren't everything when targeting the chest, according to Blake Holman, C.P.T., a fitness nutrition specialist and sports performance specialist, "the barbell chest press has its merits in that it can target multiple muscles in the chest, arm, and shoulders in just one exercise." The proper balance between pushing and pulling motions should be established. According to Holman, "a decent rule of thumb is that there should be two pull movements for every push action in your practice." This will promote good posture and guard against injuries. In fact, Holman claims that the cable chest fly is the ultimate chest exercise since it is the best for developing the entire chest. According to Holman, this exercise, which makes use of a dual-cable system, keeps the working muscles under

How To Get Rid of Chest Fat

                                                                            image credit: Males and females both have some breast tissue. Many men never experience breast tissue growth. However, for some people, it does so as a result of hormonal changes, the use of specific drugs, or an underlying medical condition. Gynecomastia is the medical name for this disorder. Some individuals use the phrase "man boobs," which may be offensive or unpleasant. They can feel too ashamed as a result to seek medical help concerning increased breast tissue.  We all have Gyno, some boys have higher percentage of it, some have it very low. If your diet and exercise routine is messed up, chances are that you might gain good amount of fat around your lower chest, which may look like gyno, but it is just fat. If you are sure that you do not have gyno, then we can get rid of that with exercises and diet only. But if you have gyno problem, then exercises

The Best Way to Lose Fat Quickly

Fat loss sounds pretty simple, eat good and burn calories, that's it right? Then why do so many people struggle to lose fat? That's because it sounds simple to lose weight but still most of us do not stick to the process and it feels so difficult for us to keep following same disciplined routine for longer period of time. The steps to lose weight and lose fat are very similar but still there are many differences. For some people, when they say they want to lose some kilograms, they mean to get rid of the stubborn fat they carry. These type of people just want to get in shape and lose the extra fat around their belly, they don't care much about bodybuilding. In this process, chances are they end up getting more weight but their goal was to lose weight. Then what's the actual process of losing weight?     Follow these steps to reach your goal of weight loss:   1. USE THE ADVANTAGES OF WEIGHT LOSS TO MOTIVATE YOU  The abstract aim of "reducing weight" is fantasti

How to Cope With Mental and Physical Pregnancy Challenges

While preparing to get pregnant can be a joyful time, it can also be stressful, especially when we experience issues such as infertility, pregnancy loss, or mental health concerns. So much of the advice we get when trying to get pregnant focuses on the baby-to-be, but how can we make sure we are taking care of ourselves when our path to parenthood seems stormy and unclear? Let’s explore some perinatal challenges and strategies for moving forward. Infertility: Infertility rates are difficult to track globally due to vast cultural differences in how fertility is understood and reported. One estimate suggests that as many as 48.5 million couples may experience difficulty conceiving — that’s roughly 15 percent of couples, and doesn’t include single folks trying to have children. For women, an inability to conceive is often related to underlying conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, low egg reserve, or hormonal abnormalities.  For men, conditions such as diabetes or autoimmune disor