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How to eat 200g of protein a day

 Even the recommended daily consumption of 46 grammes of protein for adult women and 56 grammes of protein for adult males shows that most inactive people don't actually need to eat enormous amounts of protein. However, bodybuilders and other athletes may even need as much as 200–250 grammes of protein per day to reach their daily goals; this amount is typically obtained through the use of supplements, but it is not always the case. 200 grammes of protein per day can easily be obtained through a nutritious, well-balanced diet! ATHLETES VS AVERAGE PEOPLE : HOW MUCH PROTEIN? According to the Institute of Medicine, 0.8 grammes of protein should be consumed daily for every kilogram (or 2.2 pounds) of body weight. The average daily intake of 56 grammes of protein for males is based on a weight assumption of 150 pounds, so if you are a male accumulating 220 pounds of bodyweight, for example, you would need to consume 80 grammes of protein daily to satisfy the minimum standards. However, ...