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6 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Are you too preoccupied to visit the gym? Do you want to shed those extra pounds and get ripped? Exercise is simpler than you would imagine. Even without a gym membership, you can maintain your health and fitness! There are numerous exercises that only use your body weight. This covers a variety of exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, hanging leg raises, pistol squats and skater squats. 1. PULL-UPS This traditional exercise targets your biceps, triceps, back, and abdomen, among other muscles. It's one of the best back and arm exercises. You can gain muscle and improve your balance by performing pull-ups anywhere. Once you get used to this exercise, experiment with different variations to make it harder. You may, for instance, lift your leg higher with each rep, switch up your grip, or use ankle weights. Inverted rows are an excellent alternative to pull-ups if you are unable to do them. 2.  PUSH-UPS Include this exercise in your workout routine if you want a stronger che...