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30-Minute Full Body Fat Burning Workout

 This 30-minute full-body fat-burning workout can help you burn more calories. Ten complex exercises that tighten your body, increase metabolism, and strengthen your heart and lungs! Repeat this for 3 times and rest for 60 seconds between each set. 1. Reverse Lunge Shoulder Press 30 seconds + 30 seconds. Place the dumbbells at your shoulders and begin with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean back and make a lunge with your right leg. Raise your right leg to waist level and press the dumbbells up as you stand back up. After 30 seconds of repetition, swap legs. 2. Alternating Dumbbell Swing For 60 seconds. In your right hand, grasp a dumbbell, bend over, and place the weight between your legs. Raising the dumbbell to your chest in a sweeping motion, transfer it to your left hand. 3. Chest Press Legs Extended 45 seconds. Raise your legs to a 45-degree angle while lying on your back and grasp a dumbbell in each hand. With your arms straight above your shoulders and your palms towards ...